Hello again!
I thought that in my weeks of vacation would have enough time to update the blog. I did many things before I go ... but amazingly did not give me time. I was on an island in the Caribbean and I have spent well! So if ... completely incommunicado. Although I think I have come well off as I was really exhausted! December was a month of crazy .. for the trip, buying gifts, leave things in my work completed and orders would not let me free time ... barely slept!
Now, I put some refacing of the stuff I did in December ...
This request was particularly exciting to me ... is a travel organizer for a girl who performed traditional dances Mancha. They sent me several pictures of the costumes .. chose the most colorful and then started working. I can not publish the photo of the owner, but I have been egalitarian!
I also made a bag of useful dobe .. serves as a sling and a bag to carry the phone keys!
I hope this year very prosperous for all and that we continue to share in cyberspace friends!
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